The Advisor - Lingfield 4.50 4 Point N Shoot - each way @ 7/1

The Advisor -: "some nice form lines to assess in this race over almost 3 miles on Heavy over Hurdles;
Burgess Dream has won over Course and Distance off marks of 74 and 85 and now runs off a mark
of 91 less a 3lbs Claim. In one of those races it beat Flugzeug who ran off 88 and who now gets a
9lbs "pull" for a 6 length beating, normal practice is to see a lb and a length so in theory Flugzeug

should be finishing in front of Burgess Dream (just) today.

There is though another "fly in the ointment" in POINT N SHOOT as in that same race he finished
10 lengths behind BD off a weight of 16lbs more than BD and 4 lengths behind Fleugzeug with
a weight of 9lbs more, today POINT N SHOOT gets an 18lbs "pull" with BD and an 8lbs "pull"
with Fleugzeug, so is weighted to finish in front of both of then by around 4-6 lengths.
In addition to that I think PNS has a bit more scope and the yard is in winning form. It is always
interesting to see how these form-book races pan out, you can't legislate for errors or luck in
running but on the form logic POINT N SHOOT is best value today".