Cheltenham 4.10

Cheltenham 4.10 - Magners Handicap Chase Cl 1 - 2 miles 4 and 1/2 furlongs - 24 run - Soft
(The Advisor UK / Sean - Ireland
The Advisor - this race is absolutely stacked and goes very deep. I think the standout pair for the home side are MIDNIGHT RIVER and IL RODITO . Midnight River has very strong claims including over course and distance and I can't find any chinks at all other than he may have played his hand to the handicapper too soon I think he still has scope though . IL RODITO has done no wrong and may be nicholls best hope in handicaps here, I'd be very disappointed and surprised if he wasn't in the first 4-5 home here and he has a decent winning chance although the Irish look strong.
Of the remainder, on a going day if everything clicks with luck in running an enhanced place for Shakem'upharry and the somewhat forgotten Two For Gold would not be a massive surprise and who can leave old warriors Coole Cody and Stolen Silver out of a mention.
Sean - My main hopes would be on CHAMPAGNE GOLD and MARVEL DE CERISY here, Champagne Gold looks primed and arrives fresh and he certainly runs well off this sort of preparation, Marvel De Cerisy is another very promising De-Bromhead horse who has infinite scope and whatever he achieves here definitely track it for next year.
I've tracked MARS HARPER all year and would have been VERY confident about it today had it not rained so much yesterday, IF the Going is no worse than Soft he'd be worth a small punt. I like HEREDITARY RULE too as he is another who may have been put away for this but of the exposed ones the one who really jumps off the page is ESCARIA TEN - he'd almost be my opposite logic to Mars Harper, he'd need a bog and has the proven stamina to fly up that hill if it was genuinely Heavy and they went a yard too fast early on. 
TIPS (1) Champagne Gold / (2) Midnight River / (3) Il Rodito / (4) Marvel De Cerisy / (5) Escaria Ten (if heavy) / Mars Harper (if no worse that soft) - make a late choice
(honourable mentions to Shaken'uparry / Two For Gold / Hereditary Rule)